Clogged drains are no match for flow-easy sulfuric acid drain opener. Its proprietary virgin sulfuric acid formula dissolves grease and other organic material in 15 minutes the environmentally and consumer friendly flow-easy is the fast-acting, professional-strength drain opener that plumbers reach for first. But, its still safe enough for home use in all types of drains and toilets, even with septic systems. Plus, it can be poured into standing water, eliminating the need to bail the sink before using.
- Brand Name: Flow-Easy
- Product Form: Liquid
- Product Type: Drain Opener
- Container Size: 32 oz
- Safe for Garbage Disposals: No
- Protects Pipes from Corrosion: No
- Compatible Pipe Material: All Pipes
- Safe for Septic Systems: Yes
- Can be poured into standing water, eliminating the need to bail water before using
- It dissolves grease and other organic matter in all types of drains and is safe enough to be used in toilets and septic tanks
- Sulfuric Acid Drain Opener This Fast Acting, Professional Strength Drain Opener offers virtually Instant Results
- This is the drain opener that Professional Plumbers reach for first.